I Can Help You With…

woman suffering from TMJ pain

What to Know About TMJ Pain

TMJ stands for temporomandibular joint. Dr. Stephanie is a chiropractor specializing in TMJ pain which presents itself in many different ways including pain in the jaw, head, neck, face and ear.
June 27, 2019/by DrStephanieLouie
Help with back pain from Dr. Stepanie Louie Chiropractor Victoria BC

Back Pain

Back pain is one of the most common reasons people come to see us. The good news is that most low, mid, or upper back pain can be resolved with a balanced chiropractic therapy plan.
October 11, 2016/by DrStephanieLouie
Help with neck pain from Dr. Stepanie Louie Chiropractor Victoria BC

Neck Pain

Suffering from neck pain? The way you sit, stand, and sleep can have a profound impact your spine, which in turn can cause neck pain. A chiropractor can get to the root of neck pain and resolve it.
October 10, 2016/by DrStephanieLouie
Help with pregancy back pain from Dr. Stepanie Louie Chiropractor Victoria BC

Pregnancy & Postnatal Back Pain

Women who receive chiropractic care during their pregnancy report increased comfort during their pregnancy and delivery. Get in touch for more info about pregnancy and chiro.
October 9, 2016/by DrStephanieLouie
Help with disc injuries from Dr. Stepanie Louie Chiropractor Victoria BC

Disc Problems

A disc issue is one of the most debilitating conditions you can have. Chiropractors have extensive experience with tackling disc problems, including some new spinal disc therapies that offer great results.
October 9, 2016/by DrStephanieLouie
Help with sciatica and leg pain from Dr. Stepanie Louie Chiropractor Victoria BC

Sciatica & Leg Pain

Are you feeling numbness or tingling down your low back into one or both legs or your buttocks? If so, you may be suffering from sciatica, a constriction of the sciatic nerve in your lower spine. Learn how chiropractors address sciatica.
October 2, 2016/by DrStephanieLouie
help with migraine headaches from Dr. Stephanie Louie Chiropractor Victoria BC

Headaches & Migraines

The key to resolving headaches and migraines is diagnosing the correct cause of the problem in the first place. You may be surprised to find out how many headaches are the result of spinal misalignment. We can help.
October 2, 2016/by DrStephanieLouie

Other Issues

From whiplash to arthritis to fibromyalgia, Chiropractic care goes far beyond fixing back and neck pain to include helping you feel better and stay healthy and improve athletic performance.
October 1, 2016/by DrStephanieLouie
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